Comapny Headshots

Organizations are always changing. You need updated pictures of your team members. Call us to set up a Company Headshot Session

This post provides a few examples of portraits taken during a company headshot session at a consulting firm.

Power Pose

Poses convey different body languages. Here the Vice President leans in and looks directly into the camera to convey confidence and assertiveness.

Classic Side Portrait

A headshot with the subject’s head turned slightly away from the camera and eyes looking back at the lens is a classic pose.

Note: All of the headshots were taken using the same brick wall as the background to provide a uniform look. 

A youthful pose

The side profile pose of the young marketing specialist with a big grin conveys a positive, fun, and slightly mischievous look.

Producer Gets in Front of the Camera

The consulting firm has an in-house video production company. The producer has his turn in front of the camera for this headshot.

Note: The brick wall background coveys a sense of perminance.

Let us come to you. All of these portraits were taken on-location using a 3-light setup combined with a large white reflector. The images were post-processed using the latest editing software.

Reserve a day for your team’s on-location headshot session. 

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